Selected publications
Langensiepen M., Omwandho Opiyo E., Kaudia A.K., Rugege D., Richard K., Akotsi E., Ashitiva D., Ningu J.K., Munyazikwiye F., Ngaboyamahina T., Urassa J.K., Ugen M., Sebashongore D., Oyieke H., Misana S., Kammesheidt L., Becker M. (2023) Reconciling East-African wetland conservation with human needs: Managing uncertainties in environmental policy design. Wetlands 43, 36
Langensiepen M., Gebrekidan B.H., Stephan C., Ugen M. (2023) Understanding future-imagination of rural farmers (in revision)
Ayyad S., Karimi P., Langensiepen M., Ribbe L., Rebelo L.M., Becker M. (2022) Remote sensing assessment of available green water to increase crop production in seasonal floodplain wetlands of sub-Saharan Africa. Agricultural Water Management 269, 107712
Nguyen T.H., Langensiepen M., Gaiser T., Webber H., Ahrends H., Hueging H., Ewert F. (2022) Responses of winter wheat and maize to varying soil moisture: From leaf to canopy. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 314, 108803
Nguyen T.H., Langensiepen M., Hueging H., Gaiser T., Seidel S.J., Ewert F. (2022) Expansion and evaluation of two coupled root–shoot models in simulating CO2 and H2O fluxes and growth of maize. Vadose Zone J.2022;21:e20181.
Grotelüschen K., Gaydon D.S., Senthilkumar K., Langensiepen M., Becker M. (2022) Model-based evaluation of rainfed lowland rice responses to N fertiliser in variable hydro-edaphic wetlands of East Africa. Field Crops Research 285, 108602
Grotelüschen K., Gaydon D.S., Langensiepen M., Ziegler S., Kwesiga J., Senthilkumar K., Whitbread A.M., Becker M. (2021) Assessing the effects of management and hydro-edaphic conditions on rice in contrasting East African wetlands using experimental and modelling approaches. Agricultural Water Management 258, 107146
Langensiepen M., Jansen M.A.K., Wingler A., Demmig-Adams B., Adams W. W., Dodd Ian C., Fotopoulos V., Snowdon R., Fenollosa E., de Tullio M. C., Buck-Sorlin G., Munné-Bosch S. (2020) Linking integrative plant physiology with agronomy to sustain future plant production. Environmental and Experimental Botany 178: 104125 (Submitted manuscript version downloadable here in case you have no access to the journal)
Vila-Guerau de Arellano J., Ney P., Hartogensis O., de Boer H., van Diepen K., Emin D., de Groot G., Klosterhalfen A., Langensiepen M., Matveeva M., Miranda G., Moene A., Rascher U., Röckmann T., Adnew G., Graf A. (2020): CloudRoots: Integration of advanced instrumental techniques and process modelling of sub-hourly and sub-kilometre land-atmosphere interactions. Biogeosciences 17: 4375–4404
Langensiepen M. (2020) Evaporation and Energy Balance. In: Wang, Yeqiao (ed.) Handbook of Natural Resources: Fresh Water and Watersheds. CRC Press, Boca Raton, Florida, USA
Cai G., Vanderborght J., Langensiepen M., Schnepf A., Hüging H., Vereecken H. (2017) Root growth, water uptake, and sap flow of winter wheat in response to different soil water availability. Hydrology and Earth Systems Sciences Discussions.
Kupisch M., Stadler A., Langensiepen M., Ewert F. (2015) Analysis of spatio-temporal patterns of CO2 and H2O fluxes in relation to crop growth under field conditions. Field Crops Research 176: 108-118.
Simmer C., Masbou M.,Thiele-Eich I., Amelung W., Bogena H., Crewell S., Diekkrüger B., Ewert F., Hendricks Franssen H.J., Huisman J.A., Kemna A., Klitzsch N., Kollet S., Langensiepen M., Löhnert U., Rahman A.S.M., Rascher U., Schneider K., Schween J., Shao Y., Shrestha P., Stiebler M., Sulis M., Vanderborght J., Vereecken H., van der Kruk J., Waldhoff G., Zerenner T. (2015) Monitoring and Modeling the Terrestrial System from Pores to Catchments – The Transregional Collaborative Research Center on Patterns in the Soil-Vegetation-Atmosphere System. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society 96: 1765-1787
Langensiepen M., Kupisch M., Graf A., Schmidt M., Ewert F. (2014) Improving the stem heat balance method for determining sap-flow in wheat. Agric. For. Met. 186: 34-42
Abbo S., Goren S., Saranga Y., Langensiepen M., Bonfil, M. (2013) Leaf shape × sowing density interaction affects chickpea grain yield. Plant Breeding 132: 200-204
Langensiepen, M., Kupisch, M.,van Wijk, M., Ewert, F. (2012) Analyzing closed chamber effects on canopy gas exchange for optimizing flux calculation timing. Agric. For. Met. 164: 61-70
Langensiepen, M. (2011) Fundamentals of model scaling in forest ecology. In: Bredemeier, M., Cohen, S., Godbold, D.L., Lode, E., Pichler, V., Schleppi, P. (eds.) Forest Management and the Water Cycle. Ecological Studies 212: 381-395. Springer, Dordrecht, Heidelberg, London, New-York ISBN 9789048198337 
Langensiepen M., Fuchs M., Bergamaschi H., Moreshet S., Cohen Y., Wolff P., Jutzi S., Cohen S., Rosa L.M.G., Li Y., Fricke T. (2009) Quantifying the uncertainties of transpiration calculations with the Penman-Monteith equation under different climate and optimum water supply conditions. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 149: 1063-1072
Langensiepen M., Hanus H., Schoop P. and Gräsle W. (2008) Validating CERES-Wheat under North-German environmental conditions. Agricultural Systems 97: 34-47
Langensiepen M., Burgess S., Lambers H., Mitchell P., Veneklaas E. (2006) A model for simulating transpiration of Eucalyptus salmonophloia trees. Physiologia Plantarum 127: 465-477
Gabrielle B., Roche R., Angas P., Cantero-Martinez C., Cosentino L., Mantineo M., Langensiepen M., Henault C., Laville P., Nicoullaud B. and Gosse G. (2002) A priori parameterisation of the CERES soil-crop models and tests against several European data sets. Agronomie 22: 119 – 132
Moreshet S., Fuchs M., Cohen Y., Cohen Y., Langensiepen M. (1996) Water transport characteristics of cotton as affected by drip irrigation. Agron. J. 88: 712-722